Saturday, October 11, 2008

I almost forgot!

I got tagged a few days ago by two people whose blogs I read religiously! I'm supposed to write 6 random things about myself and then tag some other people to do the same. Thanks to She Who Makes Waves and Nikki for tagging me! 

1. I am actually a trained archaeologist. My specialization is in mortuary archaeology in the classical world, although for my senior thesis I wrote on the way burial goods reflected changing ideas of gender amongst a Native American community during the westward expansion in the United States. I can talk about this stuff forever, I'm such a nerd.

2. I speak fluent Latin and when I'm bored, I sometimes see if I can translate songs or rhymes into Latin. Like I said, nerdy.

3. I have seen three sharks at a time. I was snorkelling off the coast of Western Australia when my friend and I witnessed three black-fin reef sharks patrolling their turf. Strangely enough, I was more scared of the jellyfish.

4. I have a really sensitive sense of smell. I can pick out notes in perfumes, ingredients in a meal, and I can tell when someone's been somewhere by the certain smell they leave behind. Everyone I know thinks it's so freaky.

5. I have the strange inability to grow my hair long. It's only been past my shoulders three times in my life. I'd love to have long hair, but for some reason it grows so slowly that I almost always get frustrated and hack it all off. 

6. I am absolutely terrified of anything that moves sideways. Any animal that moves sideways like a Sidewinder snake, a crab, or even a bird that hops sideways freaks me out so bad that I nearly scream. I have no idea why, but it's always been a huge fear of mine. I can't look at a crab, even a dead one on someone's plate, without wanting to jump out of my skin.

I tag:


Alexandra said...

Thanks for playing tag! I enjoyed reading what you had to share with us, especially about your sense of smell! I am the same way and get teased about it at work all the time!

C said...

Hey fellow archy nerd! My latin is pretty crap now, but glad to hear your's still rocks. :)