Then I got sick. I noticed that I was sleeping all the time, I was always hungry, and I no longer wanted to do anything that involved effort. As time went on, it got worse; I gained 40lbs, was sleeping up to 14 hours per day and had all but lost contact with most of my friends. I thought I had mono so I went to the doctor. He ran a gamut of tests and they all came back perfectly normal. He suggested it might be depression. How could I be depressed? I wasn't sad, just frustrated at my mystery illness. I took a referral to a behavioral health doctor and, after I described my symptoms to her, she described the symptoms associated with atypical depression-sleeping all the time, eating more than usual, and lack of motivation. She explained to me that atypical depression is depression without the helpless, hopeless, and sad feelings.
Now, with the help of medication, I am slowly getting my life back, which includes getting back into what I really began to love-running. So here goes!
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