Thursday, October 16, 2008


Well then. My walk to run program has decided that I need to be beaten into submission before I get too confident. Today started both a mileage increase and a shorter speed interval. I'm now expected to do 2 miles a day and shorter walk breaks. Oh, and I'm also expected to avoid keeling over. Today it was raining buckets all day and I had a massive headache so I skipped out on work early, went to buy some new brushes (I'm starting a new oil painting), and came home to relax. I kept putting off my run, thinking the rain would let up but at 9:45 it was still sprinkling so I decided to gamble on it staying light for the next half hour. I was slower than usual today. I think the rain and my general sluggishness is to blame. Yeah, that's it. The rain made me slow. Right when I got home, the skies opened up and I was glad I had gone when I did.

I had forgotten how much I love running in the rain or snow, then coming home, stripping off all your wet clothes in the entryway and walking around in your underwear until you find some cozy old ripped teeshirt and a raggedy pair of shorts to sleep in. Is it just me? I probably should always live alone. 

1 comment:

Felice Devine said...

Good luck with the mileage increases and the walk break decreases!